Copper Application
Copper Applications
Fill out this form and submit dm it to the Copper Leader!
1. Why do u want to join coppergang?
2.What hack client are u using?
3.How old are u?
4.Men or women?
5.Boy or girl?
: 6.Whos the most handsome human ever?
7.Are u stacked in the server?
8.Do u have a mic?
9.What fps are u getting?
10.Will u participate in the gangs project?
11.How did u learn about Coppergang?
12.Where do u live?
13. Are you subbed on Exepision Yt?
14. How long have you been playing on 6b?
15. Do you have a base on 6b?
16. Have u been to any clans/team before?
17. Whats your ign?
18. What skill you have?